Private Health Insurance In Spain

While public healthcare in Spain is generally robust, a significant number of residents in Spain choose to complement their medical coverage with private health insurance. This choice not only provides expedited access to specialist care but also extends a broader spectrum of treatment options and services, often including English-speaking medical professionals.

With private health insurance, you gain the advantage of engaging private physicians, accessing services from private hospitals, and utilizing affiliated clinics under the purview of your insurance provider. This comprehensive approach ensures a higher degree of control over your healthcare, personalized treatment, and swifter access to specialized care.

At our specialized immigration law firm, we understand the nuances of healthcare options in Spain, and we can guide you in making informed choices regarding your healthcare needs during your stay in the country.

If you are not entitled to the Seguridad Social, the public health care in Spain, then it is wise to take out a private health insurance in Spain.

A private health plan or dental insurance helps you stay protected and have access to premium medical services.

If you are a foreigner in Spain, looking for a health insurance for expats, this article may help you find out whether or not you need a private health plan and what’s best for you.

Table of Contents

Is health insurance compulsory in Spain?

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When you live and work in Spain, you have access to public health care at all times. And why is that? Well, this is because you are legally obliged to take out the Seguridad Social. This way you are automatically insured in Spain.

Because of this compulsory health insurance the health care in Spain is accessible for every resident of Spain. In this way it is possible for the unemployed and other people with a low income to receive medical care.

The health care in Spain is financed by social contributions deducted from your salary. In principle you do not notice anything of this. The quality of public care varies enormously from place to place.

In spite of the good quality of Spanish health care, there are cuts going on. As a result, queues are extremely long and it takes time to get an appointment with an specialist.

Nevertheless, the “Seguridad Social” does not cover dentists or ophthalmologists. Also, not everything is reimbursed: visits to a dentist or ophthalmologist, for example, are not reimbursed. You have to insure yourself privately for this.

The private health insurance can be taken out in addition to the Seguridad Social.

Types of Health Insurance in Spain

The use of private health insurances has recently increased in Spain. Approximately 18 percent of the population has private health insurance. The advantage of using private insurance in Spain is that there are much shorter queues. This is because private care often has its own network of clinics and hospitals. In addition, private health insurance has even more advantages: everything is more comfortable and the clinics are equipped with modern technologies. In some cases you can even talk with doctors that speak your native language.

What types of health insurance are there?

There are different types of health insurances depending on the coverage they offer. Normally you’ll find full medical insurance to be the most complete in terms of services, but you can also opt for a more limited range of services, choosing for example a Dental Insurance.

Full Medical Insurance

Your health insurance company provides you with a list of doctors and clinics that you can visit at no extra cost because they are included in the company’s medical directory. They can be with or without co-payment.
Reimbursement of expenses: you can go to any doctor you want, but you will have to assume part of the cost.

Mixed Health Insurance

With this option, you can go to the associated centres or choose another one and receive a percentage reimbursement of the bill, depending on the situation.

Non-hospitalisation Insurance

These policies only cover consultations with specialists and do not include hospitalisation.

Dental Insurance

These are policies that cover visits to the dentist and some treatments.

How much does Health Insurance Cost in Spain?

Health Insurance prices can vary from 50€ to 350€ a month aprox. The price depends on the plan you choose.

Best health insurance companies in Spain

Are you looking for a private health insurance for Spain that offers more benefits than the regular Seguridad Social? At MySpainshResidency we will find the right private health insurance for you.

Why private health insurance is important in Spain?

Let’s be clear. Accidents can happen and will happen.  A private health insurance for Spain guarantees you in this case the optimal care.

As a private patient in Spain, you also enjoy a number of advantages that will help you make a quick and stress-free recovery. For example, if you have private health plan, you will be accommodated in a single room and have the option of having a relative close by.

Health insurance companies for expats and travelers

Finding a health insurance in Spain is easier if you know where to search. Here we listed the best alternatives for those foreigners looking for insurance companies. You can ask for a quotation on their official page and they will study your case and make you an offer that suits your personal needs.

What are the best health insurances for expats in Spain?

There are many insurance companies in Spain, all of them with their own services and price range. In this article we listed the most popular insurance plans amongst Spanish Residents and foreigners. Each of this companies offers custom plans for each case, adding extra flexibility for those looking for concrete services and coverages.

  • Allianz Care: One of the biggest insurance companies in the world. Alliance Health Care offers from full coverage insurance to tailored to your needs plans.
  • Bupa Global: Bupa is an internacional health insurance provider, that offers quality services when it comes to expats health care. You can ask for a quotation on their website.
  • Cigna Global
  • Globality Health

If you need more information about health insurances, or are looking for legal or expat advice in Spain, contact us and we will be glad to help!

9 thoughts on “Private Health Insurance In Spain”

  1. Looking to go down the non lucrative route, we are both of good character, good health more than sufficient funds. Getting some really stupid health quotes to satisfy the insurance needs.

    • Looking to go down the non lucrative route, we are both of good character, good health more than sufficient funds. Getting some really stupid health quotes to satisfy the insurance needs.

      • Dear Danny,

        one of our lawyers should be in contact with your questions about Private health insurance in Spain.


  2. We are trying to get health insurance for NL Visa in Spain. I am 77; my wife 67. Both In good health. Being turned down because of age by most Spanish providers (ALL, so far). Help?

  3. Looking at the non lucrative visa and understand that we need Private health insurance

    I have 2 questions:-

    1) Many sites say you need to purchase a policy with no Co-pays. What about deductibles ? ( they are different things)

    2) Can I enroll in Cigna Intl or Allianz Health – or does it have to be a local plan. Both companies have rep offices in Spain I believe




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